Renders documentations from result of collector
class Renderer
(None) |
constructor: (@result, @options) -> theme = 'default' @resources_dir = resolve __dirname, '../themes', theme, 'resources' @templates_dir = resolve __dirname, '../themes', theme, 'templates'
Converts link markups to HTML links in the description
Name | Type | Description |
rel_path | String | |
str | String |
Name | Type | Description |
(Returns) | String |
_convertLink: (rel_path, str) -> return '' if not str str = str.replace /\[\[#([^\[\]]+)\]\]/g, (_, $1) => if @result.ids[$1] and @result.ids[$1] isnt 'DUPLICATED ENTRY' filename = @result.ids[$1].filename + '.html' html_id = @result.ids[$1].html_id or '' return "<a href='#{rel_path}#{filename}##{html_id}'>#{$1}</a>" else return @_makeMissingLink $1 return str
Name | Type | Description |
source | String | |
target | String | |
callback | Function() |
(Nothing) |
_copyResources: (source, target, callback) -> try files = fs.readdirSync target catch files = [] for file in files if file[0] isnt '.' fs.rmrfSync resolve target, file try fs.mkdirSync target fs.copyRecursive source, target, -> callback()
Groups items by namespaces
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_groupByNamespaces: (items) -> if items.length is 0 return [] current_group = [] grouped_items = [current_group] current_namespace = items[0].namespace items.forEach (item) -> if current_namespace isnt item.namespace current_group = [] grouped_items.push current_group current_namespace = item.namespace current_group.push item return grouped_items
Name | Type | Description |
type | String |
Name | Type | Description |
(Returns) | String |
_makeMissingLink: (type, place = '') -> txt = if @result.ids[type] "'#{type}' link is ambiguous" else "'#{type}' link does not exist" console.log txt + " #{place}" return "<span class='missing-link'>#{type}</span>"
Name | Type | Description |
rel_path | String | |
str | String |
Name | Type | Description |
(Returns) | String |
_makeSeeLink: (rel_path, str) -> if @result.ids[str] filename = @result.ids[str].filename + '.html' html_id = @result.ids[str].html_id or '' str = "<a href='#{rel_path}#{filename}##{html_id}'>#{str}</a>" return str
Makes links for given type
Name | Type | Description |
rel_path | String | |
type | String |
Name | Type | Description |
(Returns) | String |
_makeTypeLink: (rel_path, type, place = '') -> return type if not type getlink = (type) => if @options.types[type] link = @options.types[type] else if @result.ids[type] and @result.ids[type] isnt 'DUPLICATED ENTRY' filename = @result.ids[type].filename + '.html' html_id = @result.ids[type].html_id or '' link = "#{rel_path}#{filename}##{html_id}" else return @_makeMissingLink type, place return "<a href='#{link}'>#{type}</a>" if res = type.match(/\[(.*)\]\((.*)\)/) @options.types[res[1]] = res[2] return "<a href='#{res[2]}'>#{res[1]}</a>" if res = type.match /(.*?)<(.*)>/ return "#{@_makeTypeLink rel_path, res[1]}<#{@_makeTypeLink rel_path, res[2]}>" else return getlink type
Renders classes
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderClasses: -> return if @result.classes.length is 0 try fs.mkdirSync "#{@options.output_dir}/classes" pug_options = rel_path: '../' type: 'classes' @_renderOne pug_options, 'class-toc', 'classes/index' @result.classes.forEach (klass) => pug_options = rel_path: '../' name: klass: klass properties: type: 'classes' _makeTypeLink: (path, type) => @_makeTypeLink path, type, "(in #{klass.full_path})" @_renderOne pug_options, 'class', klass.filename
Renders features
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderFeatures: -> return if @result.features.length is 0 try fs.mkdirSync "#{@options.output_dir}/features" @result.features.forEach (feature) => pug_options = rel_path: '../' name: feature: feature type: 'features' @_renderOne pug_options, 'feature', feature.filename
Renders files
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderFiles: -> return if @result.files.length is 0 try fs.mkdirSync "#{@options.output_dir}/files" @result.files.forEach (file) => pug_options = rel_path: '../' name: file: file type: 'files' @_renderOne pug_options, 'file', file.filename
Renders guides
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderGuides: -> return if @result.guides.length is 0 try fs.mkdirSync "#{@options.output_dir}/guides" @result.guides.forEach (guide) => pug_options = rel_path: '../' name: content: guide.content type: 'guides' @_renderOne pug_options, 'extra', guide.filename
Renders modules
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderModules: -> return if @result.modules.length is 0 try fs.mkdirSync "#{@options.output_dir}/modules" pug_options = rel_path: '../' type: 'modules' @_renderOne pug_options, 'module-toc', 'modules/index' @result.modules.forEach (module) => pug_options = rel_path: '../' name: module_data: module properties: type: 'modules' @_renderOne pug_options, 'module', module.filename
Renders one template
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderOne: (pug_options, template, output) -> pug_options.result = @result pug_options.makeTypeLink = @_makeTypeLink.bind(@) if not pug_options.makeTypeLink pug_options.makeSeeLink = @_makeSeeLink.bind(@) pug_options.convertLink = @_convertLink.bind(@) pug_options.github = @options.github pug_options.cache = true pug_options.self = true pug.renderFile "#{@templates_dir}/#{template}.pug", pug_options, (error, result) => return console.error error.stack if error output_file = "#{@options.output_dir}/#{output}.html" fs.writeFile output_file, result, (error) => return console.error 'failed to create '+output_file if error console.log output_file + ' is created' if not @options.quiet
Renders pages
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderPages: -> if @result.pages.length > 0 pug_options = rel_path: './' name: 'Pages' type: 'pages' @_renderOne pug_options, 'pages', 'pages'
Renders REST apis
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderRESTApis: -> if @result.restapis.length > 0 pug_options = rel_path: './' name: 'REST APIs' type: 'restapis' @_renderOne pug_options, 'restapis', 'restapis'
Renders the README
(None) |
(Nothing) |
_renderReadme: -> pug_options = rel_path: './' name: 'README' content: @result.readme type: 'home' @_renderOne pug_options, 'extra', 'index'
(None) |
(Nothing) |
run: -> @result.ns_pages = @_groupByNamespaces @result.pages @result.ns_restapis = @_groupByNamespaces @result.restapis @result.ns_classes = @_groupByNamespaces @result.classes @result.ns_modules = @_groupByNamespaces @result.modules @result.ns_features = @_groupByNamespaces @result.features @result.ns_files = @_groupByNamespaces @result.files @_copyResources @resources_dir, @options.output_dir, => @_renderReadme() @_renderGuides() @_renderPages() @_renderRESTApis() @_renderClasses() @_renderModules() @_renderFeatures() @_renderFiles()